Maybe you're not like me and the aforementioned as well as the unmentioned (infertility) is worse than being fat…this may not be the blog for you. I plan on irreverently, humorously and sarcastically sharing my weight loss journey as I run full speed (hopefully reaching my target heart rate) at the wall that is PCOS…But, before you go, take note: I did use the words "sharing" and "journey"…I can't be that bad.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Oh Baby I Like it Raw, Living and Vegan...Episode 2

Kicking a daily 12 cup pot of coffee...falling off the wagon...getting back on with a water fast, sort of...sharing my fear of becoming a tree hugging fairy worshipper.


  1. I have to give you props for what you are doing, thank you for letting outsiders like myself into your life to see that we are not alone. I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and have tried a million ways to lose the weight. I have 100 pounds to lose and I know its not going to be easy. But thank you again you inspire me!!

  2. Jessica,

    Thank you so much for joining me here...being diagnosed with PCOS is part of the answer to all this! Don't let that diagnosis ever discourage you, it's a piece of the puzzle! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Losing 100 lbs will be such an amazing journey full of struggles I am sure, but WOW what an amazing transformation you have ahead of you!

  3. Hey Missy, ur so stinkin' cute on camera, you crack me up. I'm thinking I should "shift" to something more raw and water right now....did the juice cleanse and it was good/rough. have backslid a little since then. Still thinkin' I don't have this whole thyroid issue completely under control yet. A lot of what you describe speaks to me so it makes me wonder...... hmmm. :)

  4. Thank you for all of this! it cracks me up to read that your so positive with all this going on in your life. And you dont seem sad or depressed with any of this, I know some days are hard, but you keep your chin up far better than I do. I will be 20 in march and I just recently was diagnosed with PCOS. It's good to know that there are other people out there that are going through this with me.. That sounded mean, haha, sorry about that. What I mean is that its great to know that there are people that I can look up too and know that everything will be alright in the end. Its a wonderful thing :D
