Maybe you're not like me and the aforementioned as well as the unmentioned (infertility) is worse than being fat…this may not be the blog for you. I plan on irreverently, humorously and sarcastically sharing my weight loss journey as I run full speed (hopefully reaching my target heart rate) at the wall that is PCOS…But, before you go, take note: I did use the words "sharing" and "journey"…I can't be that bad.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Chronicles of Schmarnia: My Imaginary Closet

"Um, I have cellulite and stretch marks and that pretty much overrides being tiny…even when I somehow overcome the evil forces of PCOS and lose all the weight…I am still not going to prance around in a bikini.  Stretch marks are like nipples…they are private parts, I don't plan on sharing them with the world and I don't hold with high regard a gal who does. The majority of my irreversible damage exists between my knees and hips so I need to plan for fashion that will camo this danger zone."


  1. Hi, I'm just did you get pregnant with PCOS? Was it just the 50 lb weight loss alone?

  2. Of course much of it is based on theory, but my most recent post provides some of the details leading up to that time.

  3. Of course much of it is based on theory, but my post on September 4th provides some of the details leading up to pregnancy.
