Maybe you're not like me and the aforementioned as well as the unmentioned (infertility) is worse than being fat…this may not be the blog for you. I plan on irreverently, humorously and sarcastically sharing my weight loss journey as I run full speed (hopefully reaching my target heart rate) at the wall that is PCOS…But, before you go, take note: I did use the words "sharing" and "journey"…I can't be that bad.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More to come soon...Promise!!!

We have been out of town...If you've been following the blog for awhile then you know that our youngest daughter was born with kidney issues. She is treated at a Children's hospital 3 hours away from our home. She just had a surgical procedure that we are hoping will be her last!!! We have been knocked off our routine, but it has been well worth it...our little girl is doing better than ever! We should be home by Sunday and hope to update you all then. I keep thinking of so many things that I want to share that have been so helpful to me, just so little time. Thank you all for the love!



  1. Will keep your daughter in my thoughts. Glad to hear you're going to get back on the horse.

  2. Glad to hear your daughter is doing well! Blogs can always wait when life is happening :)

  3. Glad she is doing well. Prayers for your family.
