Maybe you're not like me and the aforementioned as well as the unmentioned (infertility) is worse than being fat…this may not be the blog for you. I plan on irreverently, humorously and sarcastically sharing my weight loss journey as I run full speed (hopefully reaching my target heart rate) at the wall that is PCOS…But, before you go, take note: I did use the words "sharing" and "journey"…I can't be that bad.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The stats…AKA the cold hard truth…

Age  31
Height 5'6"
Starting Weight  183 lbs
Today"s Weight 180.2 lbs
Since last weigh-in + 1.0 lbs
Total since first weigh in -2.8 lbs
What the BMI chart has the nerve to say about me today 29.1=Obese

I think my blog should be renamed...With the Exception of Labor Day Weekend...Fail. 

I had Chinese food (fried breaded meats, fried egg rolls, wontons, sugary sauces) Mexican Food (chip, chips and more chips) and Ice cream (mmmmm)...I only ate when I was hungry, stopped when I was satisfied, shared meals/treats with my family and we were super active...BUT...this is my body we're talking about, I know including non-healthy carbs in my diet is a sure way to perform sluggishly and gain weight. Today is a new day with no mistakes in it and so far so good! 


  1. great blog...I am excited to follow your journey. I have been told by my doctor...I most likely have PCOS, but she doesn't like to diagnose it until fertility is an issue (and I am not currently trying to get pregnant) I am trying to find out as much as possible and try to lose the weight as if I do have the diagnosis, since normal ways don't work!
    thanks and I will be adding you to my reader :)

  2. Good for you! I struggled for years because I wasn't interested in getting pregnant and when it comes to PCOS it seems like according to doctors, forums, blogs and articles, pregnancy is the only goal. We'll do it!
